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  • Adaptive control in dynamical systems using reservoir computing, S Mandal, S Chauhan, U K Verma, Manish Dev Shrimali, K Aihara, arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.17501 (2024).
  • Predicting multi-parametric dynamics of externally forced oscillators using reservoir computing and minimal data, M Yadav, S Chauhan, Manish Dev Shrimali, M Stender, (arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.14987) Nonlinear Dyn, in press (2024)
  • Tipgping in Stuart-Landau oscillators induced by higher-order repulsive interactions, Umesh Kumar Verma, Subhasanket Dutta, Richita Ghosh, Manish Dev Shrimali, and Sarika Jalan, Physical Review E, 110, 044211 (2024).
  • Taming explosive growth through linear augmentation, Shivani Aggarwal, Richita Ghosh, Shiva Dixit, Awadhesh Prasad, and Manish Dev Shrimali, Europhysics Letters, 148 23002 (2024).
  • Chimeric states induced by higher-order interactions in coupled prey-predator systems, Richita Ghosh, Umesh K Verma, Sarika Jalan, Manish Dev ShrimaliChaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 34, 061101 (2024).
  • Role of UPOs in characterising the Hidden attractors: A comparison with Self-Excitable attractors, Medha Bhindwar, Vaibhav Varshney, Suresh Kumarasamy, Manish Dev Shrimali, Awadhesh Prasad, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 34, 2430016 (2024).
  • Constant Production in an Orchard: An interaction-based approach, Swati Chauhan, Shiva Dixit, Manish Dev Shrimali, Kenshi Sakai, and Awadhesh Prasad, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 181, 114639 (2024).
  • Augmented dynamics of nonlinear systems: A review, Nirmal Punetha, Anjuman Ara Khatun, Haider Hasan Jafri, Awadhesh Prasad and Manish Dev ShrimaliEurophysics Letters, 145, 13001 (2024).


  • First-order transition to oscillation death in coupled oscillators with higher-order interactions, Richita Ghosh, Umesh Kumar Verma, Sarika Jalan, Manish Dev ShrimaliPhysical Review E, 108, 044207 (2023). [2306.04614] (
  • Cannibalistic enemy–pest model: effect of additional food and harvesting, Jai Prakash Tripathi, Deepak Tripathi, Swarnendu Mandal, and Manish Dev Shrimali, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 87, 58 (2023).
  • Machine learning based prediction of phase ordering dynamics, Swati Chauhan, Swarnendu Mandal, Vijay Yadav, Prabhat K Jaiswal, Madhu Priya, Manish Dev ShrimaliChaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 33, 061103 (2023).
  • Direction dependent noise-induced synchronization in mobile oscillators, Emilda Shajan, Dibakar Ghosh, Juergen Kurths, Manish Dev Shrimali, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 33, 053108 (2023).
  • Learning unidirectional coupling using echo-state network, Swarnendu Mandal, Manish Dev ShrimaliPhysical Review E, 107, 064205 (2023)
  • Saddle-Node Bifurcation of Periodic Orbit Route to Hidden Attractors in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Suresh Kumarasamy, Malay Banerjee, Vaibhav Varshney, Manish Dev Shrimali, Nikolay V. Kuznetsov, Awadhesh Prasad, Physical Review E (Letter), 107, L052201 (2023)
  • Hidden strange nonchaotic dynamics in a non-autonomous model, M. Paul Asir, K. Thamilmaran, Awadesh Prasad, Ulrike Feudel, N. V. Kuznetsov, Manish Dev Shrimali, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 168, 113101 (2023).


  • Model-free prediction of multistability using echo state network, M. Roy, S. Mandal, C. Hens, A. Prasad, N. V. Kuznetsov, Manish Dev Shrimali, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 32, 101104 (2022).
  • Machine Learning Potential of a Single Pendulum, Swarnendu Mandal, Sudeshna Sinha, Manish Dev Shrimali, Physical Review E, 105, 054203 (2022).
  • Explosive synchronization induced by environmental coupling, Gayathri Ramesan, Emilda Shajan, and Manish Dev Shrimali, Physics Letters A, 441, 128147 (2022).
  • Controlling multistability with intermittent noise, Emilda Shajan, and Manish Dev Shrimali, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 160, 112187 (2022).



  • Spatial feedback control on multi-stability in hidden attractors, Shiva Dixit, M Paul Asir, Awadhesh Prasad, Nikolay V Kuznetsov and Manish Dev Shrimali, Indian Academy of Sciences Conference Series, 3, 13 (2020).
  • Aging in global networks with competing attractive–repulsive interaction, Shiva Dixit, M Paul Asir, and Manish Dev ShrimaliChaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 30, 123112 (2020).
  • Host-parasite coevolution: Role of selection, mutation, and asexual reproduction on evolvability, Madhu Priya, Prabhat K. Jaiswal, and Manish Dev Shrimali,  Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 30, 073103 (2020).
  • Static and dynamic attractive–repulsive interactions in two coupled nonlinear oscillators, Shiva Dixit and Manish Dev ShrimaliChaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 30, 033114 (2020).
  • Time varying feedback control on multi-stability in hidden attractor, A Sharma, Kiran Yadav, Manish Dev Shrimali, A Prasad, and Nikolay V Kuznetsov, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 229, 1245 (2020).


  • The dynamics of two coupled Van der Pol oscillators with attractive and repulsive coupling, Shiva Dixit, A Sharma, and Manish Dev ShrimaliPhysics Letters A, 383, 125930 (2019).
  • Dynamics of nonlinear oscillator with transient feedback, Shiva Dixit, A Sharma, A Prasad, and Manish Dev Shrimali, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 7, 1015 (2019).
  • Explosive death in complex network, Umesh Kumar Verma, A Sharma, Neeraj K Kamal, Manish Dev ShrimaliChaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 29, 063127 (2019).
  • Universal transition to inactivity in global mixed coupling,  Kiran Yadav, Neeraj K Kamal, Manish Dev ShrimaliPhysics Letters A, 383, 2056 (2019).
  • Suppression and Revival of Oscillations through Time-varying Interaction, S S Chaurasia, A Choudhary, Manish Dev Shrimali, and S Sinha  Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 118, 249 (2019).


  • Targeting periodic solutions of chaotic systems, V Varshney, Pooja R sharma, Manish Dev Shrimali, B Biswal, A Prasad, International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 26, 13 (2018).
  • Control of coexisting attractors via temporal feedback, Kiran Yadav, A Prasad, Manish Dev ShrimaliPhysics Letters A, 382, 2127 (2018).
  • First order transition to oscillation death through an environment, Umesh Kumar Verma, A Sharma, Neeraj K Kamal, Manish Dev ShrimaliPhysics Letters A382, 2122 (2018).
  • Co-existence of in-phase oscillations and oscillation death in environmentally coupled limit cycle oscillators, Umesh Kumar Verma, Neeraj K Kamal, Manish Dev Shrimali, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 110, 55 (2018).
  • Finite-time Lyapunov dimension and hidden attractor of the Rabinovich system, N V  Kuznetsov, G A Leonov, T N Mokaev, A Prasad, Manish Dev Shrimali, Nonlinear Dyn, 92, 267 (2018).
  • Shadowing in Hidden Attractors, N. K. Kamal, V. Varshney, Manish Dev Shrimali, A Prasad, N V Kuznetsov, and G A Leonov, Nonlinear Dyn, 91, 2429 (2018).
  • Phase-flip in relay oscillators via linear augmentation, Umeshkanta Singh Thounaojam and Manish Dev Shrimali, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 107, 5 (2018).
  • Existence and control of Hidden oscillations in a memristive autonomous Duffing oscillator, V Varshney, S Sabarathinam, K Thamilmaran, Manish Dev Shrimali, and A Prasad, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Self-Excited and Hidden Attractors, Springer, pp 327 (2018).
  • Revival of oscillations via common environment, Manish Yadav, A Sharma, Manish Dev Shrimali, and Sudeshna Sinha, Nonlinear Dyn, 91, 2219 (2018).



  • Phase-flip and oscillation quenching states transitions through environmental diffusive coupling, A Sharma, Umesh Kumar Verma, and Manish Dev Shrimali, Physical Review E, 94, 062218 (2016).
  • Suppression and revival of oscillation in indirectly coupled limit cycle oscillators, Pooja R Sharma, Neeraj K Kamal, Umesh Kumer Verma, K Suresh, K Thamilmaran, Manish Dev Shrimali, Physics Letters A, 380, 3178 (2016).
  • Phase switching in relaying Hindmarsh-Rose neurons, Umeashkanta S Thounaojam, Pooja R Sharma, and Manish Dev Shrimali, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 225, 17 (2016).


  • Oscillations suppression in indirectly coupled oscillators, Neeraj K Kamal, Pooja R Sharma, and Manish Dev Shrimali, Physical Review E, 92, 022928 (2015).
  • Control of multistability in Hidden Attractors, Pooja R Sharma, Manish Dev Shrimali, Awadhesh Prasad, Nikolay V Kuznetsov, Gennady A Leonov, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 224, 1485 (2015).
  • Controlling Dynamics of Hidden Attractors, Pooja R Sharma, Manish Dev Shrimali, A Prasad, N V Kuznetsov, and G A Leonov, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 25, 1550061 (2015).
  • Suppression of oscillations in mean-field diffusion, Neeraj K Kamal, Pooja R Sharma, and Manish Dev Shrimali, Pramana – Journal of Physics, 84, 237, (2015).


  • Effect of mixed coupling on relay coupled Rössler and Lorenz oscillators, Amit Sharma, Manish Dev Shrimali, and K. Aihara, Physical Review E, 90, 062907 (2014).
  • Experimental Evidence for Amplitude Death Induced By Time-Varying Interaction, K. Suresh, Manish Dev Shrimali, A. Prasad and K. Thamilmaran, Physics Letters A, 378, 2845 (2014).
  • Controlling dynamical behavior of drive-response system through linear augmentation, Pooja R. Sharma, A. Singh, A. Prasad, and Manish Dev Shrimali, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 223, 1531 (2014).
  • Effect of parameter mismatch and time delay interaction on density induced amplitude-death in coupled nonlinear oscillators, Amit Sharma, K. Suresh, K. Thamilmaran, A. Prasad, and Manish Dev Shrimali, Nonlinear Dyn, 76, 1797 (2014).
  • Realizing Logic Gates with Time-delayed Synthetic Genetic Networks, Amit Sharma, V. Kohar, Manish Dev Shrimali, and S. Sinha, Nonlinear Dyn, 76, 431 (2014).


  • Controlling bistability by linear augmentation, Pooja R. Sharma, Manish Dev Shrimali, A. Prasad, and U. Feudel, Physics Letters A, 377, 2329 (2013).
  • Delayed q-deformed logistic map, Manish Dev Shrimali and S. Banerjee, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat, 18, 3126, (2013).
  • Bio-inspired computation using synthetic genetic network, Pooja R. Sharma, P. Somani, and Manish Dev Shrimali, Physics Letters A, 377, 367 (2013).


  • Phase-flip transition in nonlinear oscillators coupled by dynamic environment, Amit Sharma, Manish Dev Shrimali, and S. K. Dana, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 22, 023147 (2012).
  • Amplitude death with mean field diffusion, Amit Sharma and Manish Dev Shrimali, Physical Review E, 85, 057204 (2012).
  • Amplitude-death in nonlinear oscillators with indirect coupling, Amit Sharma, Pooja R. Sharma, and Manish Dev Shrimali, Physics Letters A, 376, 1562 (2012).
  • Experimental realization of mixed–synchronization in counter–rotating coupled oscillators, Amit Sharma and Manish Dev Shrimali, Nonlinear Dyn, 69, 371 (2012).


  • Synchronization of indirectly coupled Lorenz oscillators: An experimental study, Amit Sharma and Manish Dev Shrimali, Pramana – Journal of Physics, 77, 881 (2011).
  • Computing with coupled chaotic neuronal maps, Pooja R. Sharma and Manish Dev Shrimali, International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 7, 115 (2011).
  • Phase-flip transition in relay-coupled nonlinear oscillators, Amit Sharma, Manish Dev Shrimali, A. Prasad, R. Ramaswamy, and U. Feudel, Physical Review E, 84, 016226 (2011).
  • Targeting fixed-point solutions in nonlinear oscillator through linear augmentation, Pooja R. Sharma, Amit Sharma, Manish Dev Shrimali , and A. Prasad, Physical Review E, 83, 067201 (2011).


  • Under what kind of parametric fluctuations is spatiotemporal regularity the most robust?, Manish Dev Shrimali, S. Poria, and S. Sinha, Pramana – Journal of Physics, 74, 895 (2010).
  • Delay coupled discrete maps: synchronization, bistability, and quasiperiodicity, Manish Dev Shrimali, A. Prasad, R Saran and R. Ramaswamy, Physics Letters A, 374, 2636 (2010).
  • Properties of threshold coupled chaotic neuronal maps, Manish Dev Shrimali, Proceedings in Information and Communications Technology, Springer, PICT 2, pp. 90 (2010).


  • Pinning control of threshold coupled chaotic neuronal maps, Manish Dev Shrimali, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 19, 033105 (2009), Also selected for the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.
  • Chaotic neurons with random threshold coupling, Manish Dev Shrimali, in Nonlinear Dynamics, Eds. M. Daniel, S. Rajasekar, pp. 389 (2009).


  • Asynchronous updating of threshold coupled chaotic neurons, Manish Dev Shrimali, S. Sinha and K. Aihara, Pramana – Journal of Physics, 70, 1127 (2008).
  • Enhancement of spatiotemporal regularity in an optimal window of random coupling, S. Poria, Manish Dev Shrimali, and S. Sinha, Physical Review E (Rapid Communication), 78, 035201 (2008).
  • The nature of attractor basins in multistable systems, Manish Dev Shrimali, A. Prasad, R. Ramaswamy, and U. Feudel, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 18, 1675 (2008).
  • Threshold activated control of chaotic neural network, G. G. He, Manish Dev Shrimali and K. Aihara, Neural Networks, 21, 114 (2008).


  • Partial state feedback control of chaotic neural network and its application, G. G. He, Manish Dev Shrimali and K. Aihara, Physics Letters A, 371, 228 (2007).
  • Asynchronous Updating induces Order in Threshold Coupled Systems, Manish Dev Shrimali, S. Sinha, and K. Aihara, Physical Review E, 76, 046212 (2007).
  • Chaos control in a neural network under threshold activated coupling, G. G. He, Manish Dev Shrimali and K. Aihara, Proceedings of IJCNN, IEEE, pp. 350 (2007).
  • Targeting spatio-temporal patterns in chaotic neural network, Manish Dev Shrimali, G. G. He and K. Aihara, Lecturer Notes in Operations Research, OSB’07, pp. 60 (2007).
  • Control and synchronization of chaotic neurons under threshold activated coupling, Manish Dev Shrimali, G. G. He, S. Sinha, and K. Aihara, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4668, pp. 954 (2007).

2000 – 2005

  • Complete and Partial Synchronization of quasiperiodically forced maps, Manish Dev Shrimali and R. Ramaswamy, Proc. Indian National Science Academy, 71A, 85 (2005).
  • Basin bifurcation in quasiperiodically forced coupled systems, Manish Dev Shrimali, A. Prasad, R. Ramaswamy, and U. Feudel, Physical Review E, 72, 036215 (2005).
  • Phase Ordering at Crises, Manish Dev Shrimali and R. Ramaswamy, Physics Letters A, 295, 273 (2002).
  • Lyapunov exponents at phase transitions in finite systems, Manish Dev Shrimali, R. Ramaswamy, and N. Chatterjee, in Nonlinear Dynamics, Eds. V Srinivasan, A K Kapoor and P N Panigrahi, pp. 93 (2000).